Instituto Superior Técnico

Serviços de Informática


For distance communication and collaboration, with hundreads of lisseners, such as classes, tutorials, webinars, work meetings, the Colibri platform, made available by the FCCN, is recommended.

This platform is linked with Técnico users autentication.

For more details please consult informations provided in Videoconference Classes.

Those are the main differencies between a webinar and a meeting.

Técnico has not available anymore 1 Zoom Pro private license, with 100 webinar participants and 500 atendees.

Note: if your has already use Colibri license, and goes using a diferent Zoom license, it will be asked if you want to migrate your profile between licenses. Because profile is only admited to be associated with 1 license at a time.


How to no Zoom