Instituto Superior Técnico

Serviços de Informática

What is the outside number of a given IST extension?

  • Alameda Campus:

Add the number 218416000 to the 4 digit extension.

Example: To call extension 1234, dial 218417234.

Attention: Extensions from 2500 to 2599 do not have an outside number attributed to them and, as such, can not be called from the outside.


  • Taguspark campus:
    • For extensions 5000 through 5099, add the last 2 digits of the extension to the number 214233200. Example: dial 214233299 to call extension 5099;
    • For extensions 5100 through 5199, add the last 2 digits of the extension to the number 214233500. Example: dial 214233599 to call extension 5199;
    • For extensions 5200 through 5299, add the last 2 digits of the extension to the number 210407000. Example: dial 210407099 to call extension 5299.


  • CTN campus:

Add the number 219940000 to the 4 digit extension.

Exemple: To call extension 6234, dial 219946234.


How to make a call from Alameda campus to Taguspark campus? Simply dial the known extension. Exemple: 5000.

How to make a call from Taguspark campus to Alameda campus? Simply dial the known extension. Exemple: 1000.