Instituto Superior Técnico

Serviços de Informática

Archive for the ‘Atualizações’ Category

Holidays Support

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

We inform you that in-person support from IT Services is closed between the 23rd and 31st of December 2024, with telephone support (21 841 7506) and email ( continuing to be available.

System Maintenance: Fénix and all IST, IST-ID and ADIST Administrative Applications

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

At 8 p.m. of May’s 25th, a necessary technical intervention will make Fénix and all IST, IST-DSI and ADIST administrative applications offline.

We apologize for any inconvenience this downtime will cause you.

Temporary interruption of data network service – 16th Dec. 2015 at 7 PM

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

We inform you that  on the 16th of December, 2015, at 7 PM the data network of Universidade de Lisboa will have a technical interruption to reorganize the connections and traffic routing.
During this intervention all Técnico and INESC (Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers) networks will have no access to the Internet or to the networks from the other schools of the Universidade de Lisboa.
It is estimated that the operation will take about 1 hour until all traffic destinations are reachable again. However, there might be unexpected occurrences causing a delay in resetting the services.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

New webmail system

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

Técnico’s webmail system at will have a new design on Monday, 7th December 2015 around 3 PM.

The structure will be similar to the current version with no significant changes in how to use the webmail system.

Technical interruption at FenixEdu Web Service

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Today, 08th June, after 7 PM will be performed a technical intervention to set up the new version of the Fénix system (version 5).

The system will be unavailable between 19h and 20h.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate the feedback to be sent to:

New interface to visualize projects at Dot: Aplicações Administrativas IST, IST-ID e ADIST

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

On 4th June 2015 will be available at Aplicações Centrais a new interface to visualize data from Módulo de Gestão de Projetos (MGP).

This new interface will allow users to obtain a set of information by coordinator, cost center and project.

We appreciate the feedback to be sent to:

Office365 is now available

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Microsoft Office365 is now available to IST community. Read more here.

Update OpenAFS

Monday, January 27th, 2014

It is necessary to update the OpenAFS client.

Due to a security issue the old clients will stop working on the 5th of February. On this day DSI will perform an upgrade to OpenAFS servers which is incompatible with older clients.

To continue using the OpenAFS on Linux or Mac OS X the client version that is required is equal or superior than 1.6.5. Windows requires 1.7.26 or superior.