SI enables Técnico’s entities and services (departments, research groups and other services and entities) to host servers in its technical room. The integral part of this service is considered to be the provision of:
- physical space for server installation;
- electricity and cooling with the level of redundancy available for the remaining services in the technical room;
- a connection to Técnico’s computer network;
- a public IPv4 address and an entry in the DNS system of the domain. If necessary, a public IPv6 address can also be assigned.
Currently, it is possible to guarantee availability of services in 99.9% of the time.
Server hosting request
Hosting can be requested by sending the corresponding request to the e-mail, specifying the requirements.
Hosting requests are subject to acceptance of the server hosting agreement, the general terms and conditions of which must be read before the request is sent:
Technical conditions of service provision
Under the server hosting agreement, the technical conditions for providing the hosting service are as follows:
- All hardware shall be suitable for rack mounting;
- Within the scope of this service, SI has no responsibility for the management and administration of the hosted machine, which must be fully managed by the user. SI’s physical intervention in the machine will be limited to a power “restart” if requested;
- Under normal operating conditions, all machine management must take place remotely. Desirably, servers should have a management processor in place to allow permanent remote management.
- Access to SI’s technical room will only be possible with the assistance of a SI’s employee and will only be guaranteed on weekdays, from 9h30 a.m. to 12h30 and from 14h00 to 16h30. This does not invalidate that this schedule can be extended by previous contact with a SI’s technician.
- Desirably, the machine must be configured so that the power button allows an orderly shutdown of the machine without loss of information. This possibility must be guaranteed in case of urgent shutdown of the machine and impossibility of communication with the technical responsible.
- The technical responsible shall subscribe to the mailing list IST-SysAdm, available at, in order to be aware of warnings that are made in this list regarding power outages or maintenance interventions.
- SI reserves the right to change the IP address at any time, and the technical responsible shall make the necessary interventions to correct the configuration. SI will ensure the logical name assigned at the time of the hosting agreement.
- The user undertakes to guarantee the logical security of the server and to perform the corrective interventions on the machine that are indicated to him by SI and that are considered necessary for the security of the IST’s network.
- The user undertakes to ensure that no service provided by the machine or software installed therein violates the general SI’s rules, publicly available at
- SI may disconnect the machine in the event of serious negligence in the management of the machine, in case of violation of the general SI’s rules or in case of problems or security incidents that advise this intervention. In these cases, SI will advise the technical and administrative responsible for the decision to shut down the machine and its reasons, with a minimum period of 24 hours, so that corrective action can be taken on a timely basis by those responsible. Exceptions are situations that may jeopardize the security of Técnico’s internal network or the image of the institution, where the machine can be shut down as a matter of urgency and before communicating to those responsible.